dimarts, 31 de maig del 2011

Birds in Manlleu(2X REDACCIÓ)

In Manlleu have seen more than two hundred species of birds. This is the area where have seen more birds of Osona. In Manlleu there are five ornithologist and they have seen rare species as, Elanus Caeruleus in 2008( seen for Guillem jeje), Lanius minor in 2002 (seen for Andrés), Mergus merganser( seen for Albert), Numenius phaopus in 2007, etc.

In winter, birds are Northern Europe as Phalacrocorax carbo, various ducks as Anas crecca or Anas strepera, etc. Also Casmerodius albus, one withe bird that I have count thirteen in one morning!!!  The Fringilla coelebs thousands came to for feed in the fields.
In Spring and Autumn a lot of differents tips of birds stoping in Manlleu durnig their travels for feed or rest.
In Summer only remain the birds that raising as Merops apiaster, Oriolus oriolus, Saxicola torquata, Passer domesticus, Coturnix coturnix,etc.
My research will go on this subject. I will make a map grid Manlleu and each grid i will count all the birds if I will see.
It also will study the migrations of the big raptors.

Will be an interesting work.

1 comentari:

  1. Yes... Sure it will be very interesting and you will enjoy working with it...
